
Design a full client calendar to drip feed and build 3/6/9 month programs ahead of time. Send automated emails, messages, notes, in-app notifications and much more!


Design a full client calendar to drip feed and build 3/6/9 month programs ahead of time. Send automated emails, messages, notes, in-app notifications and much more!

Complete Automation

You can schedule events for specific days, and they will automatically trigger based on the date and time. This enables you to pre-schedule an entire program for your clients or drip-feed resources and workouts.

Drop-feed content

Schedule workout phases

Schedule communication

  1. Drip Feed Workout Phases

Schedule the timing for importing workout phases into a client's profile.

Add multiple workout phases

Kick-off automation on specified date & time

  1. Drip Feed Resources

Drip-feed educational resources directly from your vault.

Add multiple resources in on go

Straight from your vault

  1. Send In-App Notification

Send custom in-app notifications to your clients, enabling you to send out reminders or tasks.

Instant notification

Custom branded notification

  1. Schedule Automated Messages

Schedule in-app automated messages to your clients based on time and date.

Automated messaging

  1. Schedule Automated Emails

Schedule automated emails that you can fully customize and style, incorporating your branding, including logo and colors.

Style your email

Includes your branding

  1. Schedule Client Notes

Schedule client notes to be directly added to the client's profile, enabling you to include reminders and tasks."

Added straight to client profile